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Finding Roots & Wings is a social organization devoted to developing international collaborations with displaced women as they rebuild their lives. We are dedicated to encouraging a sense of community beyond language and cultural barriers and to utilize the healing nature of storytelling.

A story is a conduit for empathy, and empathy is the engine for change.


Alexandra Corazza became a photographer in search of light and movement by creating promotional content for dancers and dance companies to express the essence of motion in a still image. Her work has since evolved to encompass many facets of life and cultures around the world. 

Traveling to many countries and international communities, she found that wonderful surprises come from connecting person to person, woman to woman and story to story. She established as a foundational principle for all her projects that the people depicted in the portraits were active participants in the collaboration and always able to represent themselves as they wish. 

Experience with migrant women led Alexandra to found Finding Roots & Wings : dedicated to encouraging a sense of community beyond language and cultural barriers, and to use the healing power of storytelling. Finding Roots & Wings began with a very successful Kickstarter campaign in 2016 and continues under the aegis of its fiscal sponsor, Social Good Fund.

In addition to her humanitarian photography, Alexandra is co-founder of two photography studios, one focused on lifestyle portraits based in New York City and the second is based in Rome, Italy and specializes in visual marketing and global production.

Finding Roots & Wings is a community that believes in the power of storytelling.

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Louise Elard

Communications + Strategy Advisor

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Padmini Devi


Carol Pouget

Vies Parallèles


Megan Morrissey